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100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez

100 Thousand Poets for Change al Teatro del Navile


Reading poetico in memoria di Andy Lopez e di tutte le vittime di omicidio e brutalità poliziesca


Nell'ambito del tour italiano di Michael Rothenberg e Terri Carrion, fondatori del movimento internazionale 100 Thousand Poets for Change, Reading poetico  con Anna Albertano, Bruno Brunini, Terri Carrion, Nadia Cavalera, Elena Cesari, Traci Currie, Benedetta Davalli, Caterina Franchetta, Mitho Gogou, Lance Henson, Sonia Lambertini, Antar M. Marincola, Pina Piccolo, Michael Rothenberg, Silvia Secco, Salvatore Di Siena, Julio M. Martins.... (24 maggio 2014)




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